Tutorial: Localize your application

In this tutorial you learn how to localize your Kanzi application. When you localize your application you translate and customize it for a specific locale (language and location). Localization involves creation and use of different resources, such as text, textures, and styles, for locales that you want to support in your application.

In the first two steps of the tutorial you learn how to localize your Kanzi application in Kanzi Studio. In the third step you learn how to use the Kanzi Engine API to load and use locale packs in your Kanzi application. This last step requires that you have Kanzi development environment set up.

This video shows the result of the tutorial.

Before you start this tutorial, make sure you have your Kanzi development environment set up. You need to:

See Installing Kanzi.

This tutorial assumes you understand the basics of working with Kanzi Studio. The best entry points for getting familiar with Kanzi Studio are:

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